280 peter

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If we only focus on stabilizing, we are stabilizing at too high a level, around 440. First we need to restore the atmosphere to a thrivable 280-300, and then stabilize. Thanks very clear!

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One of your best! Very clear!

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Mar 29
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@alistair- You have framed an admirable position: Stick to what we know. We have dealt with the consequences in the past, and we will deal with them in the future. Anything new we do will have bad consequences and only maybe will produce results we like. That, of course is the course we're on today.

The other position, which I take, is define what outcome you want clearly and concisely, even if you don't know how to do it. Then find a smart pathway there.

This is the definition of leadership: Making something happen that wasn't already going to happen--like restoring pre-industrial CO2 levels by 2050.

-One definition of “vision” I like is “to reveal a beckoning summit toward which others can chart their own course.”

Your course will be different from the one I'm taking--And we share the summit.

Management is about improving methods towards goals we already have. We need both leadership and management to deliver a world to our children that we're proud of.

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